Monday, January 31, 2011
It's Almost Like Getting a New Hat...
Signs of Spring!
Today I worked for quite a few hours, moving more compost onto the 2nd Garden. When I grew tired of that, I weeded a few more raised beds, filled them with fresh compost, and seeded them with sorrel and leftover salad greens seeds. I have decided that one can't have too much sorrel (or salad greens, really), since apparently it's so difficult for restaurants and such to find it around here. So I decided to double my sorrel patch this year. Plus, it's one of the few greens that I grow that laughs in the face of winter's cold. I can walk out there in January and pick myself enough greens for a salad. Of course, one needs to keep in mind the Oxalic acid content of the leaves, but I've never had a problem with it (and let's face it, I'm a bit of rebel). My husband loves sorrel too - he'd easily overgraze the entire patch if I let him. Sorrel becomes too bitter for most palates once the weather warms, but after the first frosts (so from fall to late spring) the leaves become sweet and tender again. So if you already have an established sorrel patch, this would be a good time to start nibbling on it.
A Way To Remember...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Getting Organized (As Best As Possible)
Well, let's take another brief tangent to discuss my all-natural herbal moth-repellent sachets. The actual sachet I make out of a vintage linen napkin that I cut in half! I always sew in a loop of cord at the top of the sachet so that I can hang it off of a coat hanger. As far as herbs go: I grow large amounts of sweet woodruff on my property, which has been used since medieval times for its wonderfully sweet smell when dry. I use it to perfume the insides of dresser drawers, and I also throw it into my moth sachets to help offset some of the other (less favorable to people) smells. Next in the sachet comes a large pinch of dried wormwood, and then I always throw in a small stick of cinnamon and a handful of whole cloves. Finally, I soak the thing in lavender and camphor oil, and hang it up in my closet (making sure it does not come in contact to any clothing or other fabrics!). Usually I throw a few chips of cedar into the closet as well for good measure. These work VERY well in small (enclosed!!) spaces, and normally, within a few hours, if there are any moths present in the closet, you will see them come flying out (at which point, we send them to their maker). Yes, I realize that it's not the adult moth that destroys clothing - it's actually the larvae - but if I kill off/repel the adults, at least I'm eliminating the possibility of more babies. This is a fragile theory, so please don't contradict me or I might cry.
The "new" armoire will hold all of my long wool/fur coats and dresses, and (because it is a shorter armoire with a flat top) I will be able to stack my remaining hat boxes on top of it! Hurray for storage solutions!
moth repellent herbs,
Saturday, January 29, 2011
$3 Will Buy You True (Vintage) Love
Friday, January 28, 2011
Happy Post-National Chocolate Cake Day!
(Yesterday's celebration was so good, I think I'm going to do it again! *laughing*)
I've been pulling some long hours on the farm lately, getting gardening areas ready for planting, trying to catch up on my rather loooooooooong list of sewing/mending projects, spring cleaning the house, taxes, and just general insanity. Grammy's been quarantining the kittens for me, which has really upped my indoor productivity levels (it's very hard to accomplish anything with wily kittens underfoot!). The only thing I have not managed to get to as of yet is my weaving project. I LOVE weaving, but it seems that this year I just have not had the time. There is a project that I have been looking forward to doing, and I think I am just going to have to put other things on hold and simply DO it. I am going to weave several large panels of blue fabric with pink hearts interspersed. Once I have enough fabric made, I am going to make myself a pretty circle skirt out of it! Won't that look cute!?! I've been wanting to start this project for ages now...
Yesterday, I managed to get one of the carrot raised beds completely filled with compost. Here on the farm, onions and carrots are the two staples that we just never seem to have enough of! So I am sacrificing one of my sweet potatoes beds for an extra carrot patch.
I spent some time yesterday transplanting lilacs, roses, yarrow, and borage. Some of the roses and lilacs have not been thriving in their original locations, so I transplanted them into the herb garden where they will get more sun and water. Yarrow, which truly does "spread joyfully" as Richo of Horizon Herbs claims, needed some thinning and relocating so that it didn't take over the herb bed. And the borage - which I have always (incorrectly, apparently) thought of as a delicate annual, has been coming up (from windblown seeds) all over the herb garden this month! So I have gently dug up the borage sprouts and replanted them in the strawberry patch. Borage is the perfect companion plant for just about anything! It improves flavor and protects against pests (especially with tomatoes and strawberries!).
The first true leaves are appearing on my artichoke sprouts, and soon it will be time to transplant all of them into larger "adult" 4 inch pots. We are currently experiencing our annual January/February 2 week warming spell. Though the nights have still remained a chilly 28 degrees or so, the days have been in the 50s and 60s! Warm enough to work outside in short sleeves!
I cooked the last of our Sweet Meat heirloom winter squash last night. I'm so sad that there won't be any more squash for another 9 months or so! But the one I cooked (which I also saved many, many seeds from) must have weighed at least 20 pounds! I could BARELY fit all of the pieces in my oven! With some of the cooked squash I made my delicious fall/winter staple meal: Squash Risotto with (our own) Cornmeal-Fried Shrimp. SO GOOD! And for dessert, I made a sour cherry pie using some of the cherries we canned last summer! Ryan said it's the best pie he's ever eaten. *grin* I don't normally brag, but I do make the world's best pie crust. When you cut into it, you can see the flaky layers that sort of remind me of phyllo dough.
Well, back to work!
I've been pulling some long hours on the farm lately, getting gardening areas ready for planting, trying to catch up on my rather loooooooooong list of sewing/mending projects, spring cleaning the house, taxes, and just general insanity. Grammy's been quarantining the kittens for me, which has really upped my indoor productivity levels (it's very hard to accomplish anything with wily kittens underfoot!). The only thing I have not managed to get to as of yet is my weaving project. I LOVE weaving, but it seems that this year I just have not had the time. There is a project that I have been looking forward to doing, and I think I am just going to have to put other things on hold and simply DO it. I am going to weave several large panels of blue fabric with pink hearts interspersed. Once I have enough fabric made, I am going to make myself a pretty circle skirt out of it! Won't that look cute!?! I've been wanting to start this project for ages now...
Yesterday, I managed to get one of the carrot raised beds completely filled with compost. Here on the farm, onions and carrots are the two staples that we just never seem to have enough of! So I am sacrificing one of my sweet potatoes beds for an extra carrot patch.
I spent some time yesterday transplanting lilacs, roses, yarrow, and borage. Some of the roses and lilacs have not been thriving in their original locations, so I transplanted them into the herb garden where they will get more sun and water. Yarrow, which truly does "spread joyfully" as Richo of Horizon Herbs claims, needed some thinning and relocating so that it didn't take over the herb bed. And the borage - which I have always (incorrectly, apparently) thought of as a delicate annual, has been coming up (from windblown seeds) all over the herb garden this month! So I have gently dug up the borage sprouts and replanted them in the strawberry patch. Borage is the perfect companion plant for just about anything! It improves flavor and protects against pests (especially with tomatoes and strawberries!).
The first true leaves are appearing on my artichoke sprouts, and soon it will be time to transplant all of them into larger "adult" 4 inch pots. We are currently experiencing our annual January/February 2 week warming spell. Though the nights have still remained a chilly 28 degrees or so, the days have been in the 50s and 60s! Warm enough to work outside in short sleeves!
I cooked the last of our Sweet Meat heirloom winter squash last night. I'm so sad that there won't be any more squash for another 9 months or so! But the one I cooked (which I also saved many, many seeds from) must have weighed at least 20 pounds! I could BARELY fit all of the pieces in my oven! With some of the cooked squash I made my delicious fall/winter staple meal: Squash Risotto with (our own) Cornmeal-Fried Shrimp. SO GOOD! And for dessert, I made a sour cherry pie using some of the cherries we canned last summer! Ryan said it's the best pie he's ever eaten. *grin* I don't normally brag, but I do make the world's best pie crust. When you cut into it, you can see the flaky layers that sort of remind me of phyllo dough.
Well, back to work!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My $4 Must-Have LBD!
Monday, January 24, 2011
When You're Feeling Blue...Sew!
I've been feeling incredibly under the weather today, so in an effort to stay inside and recoup (as opposed to my original plan of pulling another looooong day moving compost), I sat myself in front of my sewing machine and got back to work on some of my projects. I finished letting out the seams on the other side of that pink dress I purchased yesterday. It now fits and looks oh-so-snazzy!
How To Buy Vintage For $20 A Day
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Go To Your Happy Place
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hard Night's Day
After a night of very little sleep (and even worse dreams), I finally gave up and left the bed at about 3 am (after having been up since 1:30 am). I had pulled a very looooooong day yesterday: hauling several hours' worth of compost from the pile to the 2nd Garden, and then making 2 truck runs with Ryan to go grab (14) 100 lb. bales of hay, as well as doing evening chores! I was BEAT! So it came as a surprise that after having trouble getting to sleep, I had an even more difficult time staying there! The good news is that today was insanely productive, even if I was incredibly exhausted. Ryan got those new portions (that I put compost on) of the 2nd Garden rototilled, and I was able to plant about 50 feet each of bush peas, pole peas, fava beans, spinach, and buckshorn plantain. I also planted some perennial herbs that were large enough to survive outside at this point, namely lavender and rosemary. Ryan thinned out the strawberry patch for me, and we planted the 100 or so "extra" strawberries in their new home in the southeast corner of the 2nd Garden. I also pulled up some borage, comfrey, and yarrow sprouts from the herb garden and transplanted them amongst the newly planted strawberries. In the freshly thinned strawberry bed, Ryan planted some Elephant Garlic. Fingers are crossed that the ground squirrels won't eat it all again this year! After rototilling the garden for me, Ryan also turned the compost pile (which steamed like mad!) and began scraping out the male llama pasture (and putting the poo onto my other Pasture Garden). Spring is nearly here - I can feel it!!
Now, evening chores are almost finished, and I am working on starting a fire in the living room woodstove. We are about ready to settle in for an evening of hard-earned RELAXING!!
Now, evening chores are almost finished, and I am working on starting a fire in the living room woodstove. We are about ready to settle in for an evening of hard-earned RELAXING!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Up & Over the First Big Hurdle
Well, after putting in the "final" few hours of moving compost from the poo pile to the 2nd Garden, I now have the entire spring planting section covered and ready to be rototilled!! YAY! That is roughly 2/3 of that enormous garden plot covered with compost! The only 1/3 remaining is where the corn and squash will go. As that won't be getting planted til around May, I have some time. Tomorrow, Ryan will take the tractor's rototiller attachment and till these sections of soil for me, and then I will finally be able to plant my peas, extra strawberries, perennial herbs, etc.!
I was so sweaty and smelly and exhausted from moving all that compost that I came immediately inside, threw my clothing in the laundry, and showered. I even had to wash my hair because there was a slight breeze outside this morning, and I had flecks of compost and other assorted unmentionables in it. I won't even tell you what blowing my nose was like!
Thankfully, clean clothes, a refreshing shower, and a lunch of leftover homemade pizza will go a long way to restoring your sense of equilibrium.
I was so sweaty and smelly and exhausted from moving all that compost that I came immediately inside, threw my clothing in the laundry, and showered. I even had to wash my hair because there was a slight breeze outside this morning, and I had flecks of compost and other assorted unmentionables in it. I won't even tell you what blowing my nose was like!
Thankfully, clean clothes, a refreshing shower, and a lunch of leftover homemade pizza will go a long way to restoring your sense of equilibrium.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thrifty Round #2
I needed a break from the compost pile (and the farm) today, so, with the excuse of grocery shopping, I ventured forth into town!
Ryan and I have been suffering from the winter time nutritional "blahs" lately. I had to pull up my carrot and winter salad patches (don't worry - not the sorrel patch!) to make way for this spring's seeds, so there's not much left in the garden for us to munch on at the moment. Sigh. So in the meantime, we have to survive on store food. Bleh. I'm trying to make the best of it though! Tonight's dinner is homemade sourdough pizza. I flavored the sourdough with the focaccia bread seasonings that my mother-in-law gave us, and the pizza will be topped with onions, mushrooms, broccoli, BACON, and cheddar cheese, and of course the sauce will be my own homemade recipe! There will be an accompanying salad liberally smothered in blue cheese crumbles (I've been having a cheese craving). So dinner tonight will help a bit with the no-fresh-veggies blues...
Anywho, where was I...?
Oh yes, I figured that mentally and physically I needed a break from the farm & garden today, so I ventured into town for a little grocery & thrift store shopping. I picked up three lovely pairs of shoes for wearing with my vintage outfits (one is a snazzy little pair of leather pumps made in Italy), three vintage purses, a pair of pretty gloves, and a hand saw for Ryan.
(I don't get out much - can you tell?)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My Butt's Been Kicked By A Poo Pile
There is something about a steaming pile of compost in the cool morning that makes me think of the misty moors of English literature. On the farm we like to call this, "Setting the Mood." It's what you do when you have a stinky or unfavorable task to accomplish, and you need to take your mind off of things. I have decided that pretending I am playing on the moors of England is MUCH better than, say, planning what I will eat for lunch as I scoop poo.
After an hour and a half of pushing a heavily compost-laden wheel barrow up and down a rather steep incline, I managed to finish off the first "section" of 2nd Garden from fence line to fence line. That is roughly 70 feet x 20 feet of 6" of compost. Ok, Ok, the tractor did most of it, but I got quite a large patch finished today using only my trusty poo shovel and wheel barrow. Don't mess with me.
Now it's time for me to take a break and go into town to run errands. Well, I'm going to get cleaned up first of course!
After an hour and a half of pushing a heavily compost-laden wheel barrow up and down a rather steep incline, I managed to finish off the first "section" of 2nd Garden from fence line to fence line. That is roughly 70 feet x 20 feet of 6" of compost. Ok, Ok, the tractor did most of it, but I got quite a large patch finished today using only my trusty poo shovel and wheel barrow. Don't mess with me.
Now it's time for me to take a break and go into town to run errands. Well, I'm going to get cleaned up first of course!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Just Because You're Poor Doesn't Mean You Can't Buy Vintage!
Today's Thrift Store Adventures were very, V-E-R-Y rewarding! I managed to score a brand new Aladdin oil lamp for $10 (these things normally sell for $100 or more), and a 1970's Adolph Schuman for Lilli Ann dress for 75 cents!
Here's WITH the adorable bolero button-up jacket!
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