It's been such a whirlwind of activity lately that we haven't had time to do any sort of photoshoot for the Etsy store...items have been selling, but I haven't been able to get any new inventory added! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I bought out the remaining vintage clothing contents of an antique store. I'm keeping a few items for myself, and the rest will be hitting the Etsy store as soon as they can be photographed, measured, and checked over. Today, we got a few of these pieces photographed. These two lace dresses have been listed in my
Etsy store.
Absolutely stunning 1930s sheer tambour lace dress with fluttery sleeves and a purple velvet bow in front! This would be SO perfect as either a wedding dress, or as a lovely gown to wear to an outdoor party this summer. I'm having a hard time letting this one go, but I know it will fly away to a wonderful home...
Just LOOK at that lace!!
Next up, we have an absolutely lovely ~1940s vintage lace hostess gown by "Henri Bendel." It's surprisingly comfortable - I really feel as though I could lounge around the house all day in it!

Now, I want to show off some of the pieces that I'm keeping...we'll call this "bragging rights."
From the first moment that I originally stepped into this antique store, I lusted after this vintage 1930s/1940s beaded & embroidered blood red velvet cape! Unfortunately, it was very dusty/dirty, and had a rather high price tag of $250. Definitely not in my budget! However, when I did the vintage bulk buy, the price went down to about $85 for the cape - SOLD! The cape is actually a deep, dark red in real life, but the camera was having trouble capturing it. No matter what, it is an absolutely stunning piece of history, and I adore it! I just got it back from the dry cleaners, and finished repairing the lining (which had come loose in many spots). The cape has beautifully padded shoulders, detailing on the collar and the arm holes, and the entire back is gorgeously decorated with medallions.
The back is seriously just incredible...
Next, I wanted to share the final dress out of that lot of TLC vintage clothing I purchased months ago. This is the estate that I purchased, amongst other things, the vintage westernwear set from. I had been waiting to get my lovely red 1950s wiggle dress back from the dry cleaners. I LOVE this dress! It is so sexy and yet at the same time so modest (which is perfect for me!). I think I may wear this dress out to dinner for my wedding anniversary later this month...
Now, back to the vintage bulk buy...Please Note: If you have problems with vintage fur, well, you probably shouldn't read this blog anyway, but
definitely don't proceed any further with this post!!
I know that not everyone agrees with wearing fur. In fact, people can get down right nasty about it on either side of the argument! Personally, as a farmer who has raised and helped to slaughter her own meat animals, I do not have a problem with wearing vintage fur. I would not wear or buy new fur (though if I ever catch that family of raccoons living under my chicken coop, it's going to be a different story!). As a serial thrifter and vintage clothing enthusiast, I see SO much vintage fur around that is lost, neglected, and unloved. I usually end up buying the pieces, just to give them a home where they will be appreciated. I have both helped to bring life into this world, and also to send life out of it. I understand that there is no easy way to die, and I also understand the sacrifice. I'm not naive. But I think that the old furs out there should be worn and loved, instead of thrown away. So that is my personal stance. If you don't agree with it, don't proceed any further down the page. Nasty comments will be deleted.
And now, my new favorite outfit! I think I might wear this ensemble out to my wedding anniversary dinner!
This crazy vintage white fox fur piece was (and still kind of is) in very poor condition. When I bought it (not quite realizing just how bad of shape it was in!), the pelts were almost completely dry, with TONS of shedding, and many tears. I sent it off to a professional furrier to be cleaned and glazed (which was a bit painful to the pocketbook). When I got it back, it was definitely softer than before, though still "shedding glamour" worse than my cat. Definitely wouldn't wear it with a black dress!! However, because my red dress is a smooth satin material, the fur doesn't stick to it quite as badly. Therefore, this is my new sultry evening "go to" outfit.
The cape/wrap/stole/whatever you want to call it, is composed of two whole white foxes. Their twin tails fall down the front, and in back of the tails are little pockets with a button closure.
Seriously, LOVE. I know I'm a freak, but I totally adore this amazing vintage piece! It looks like something out of a Frank Capra movie!