Sunday, January 19, 2014

Demolition Derby!

(Admittedly, one of my favorite guilty-pleasure video games)

Long story short - we decided to close the smaller B&B guest room, and instead demolish the wall between that bedroom and my ridiculously tiny craft.  Thus, two small rooms became one giant super room!  Finally, I had space to work in!  My loom could actually be set up and ready to go, instead of being closed and used as a hat rack (not very conducive to weaving).  Needless to say, I am absolutely in love with the new space!  I'll post a more in-depth photo tour soon (because I also want to show off some great remodeling ideas that we came up with).  In the meantime, I'll leave you with some pictures...

OK, who let the Oompa-Loompa in here?!

Painting the new craft room in a far-too-large-for-me Tyvex suit.

We also closed off the old doorway into the old craft room...Now I have more space to hang a painting! 

This is what keeps the men going during a remodel...

My new craft room LED lights may look like spaceships, but the lighting they put out is absolutely perfect both for working and for photography.

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