And Life Continues in Its Spiral Dance...

Today is my two-year wedding anniversary with my husband. It seems surprising simply because it feels as though it should be LONGER. Has it only been two years?? I feel as though I have known him lifetimes...
As spring progresses into summer, we are enjoying the fruits of our labors. The fruits are ripening on the trees in the orchard, my garden is growing splendidly, and my roses are in full bloom. The days are long and the nights warm - this is my FAVORITE time of year!
The remodeling on the house has temporarily halted. We will resume renovations this fall/winter, but for now we need to focus on the animals and the harvests. Cappuchino and Chicklet (two of our miniature donkey jennets) have been successfully bred, and Frieda (the other jennet) is off at the Benson Ranch for one final attempt (failing this, she will be officially deemed sterile). The nigerian goats are thriving, and Cheerio and Breeze will be bred to Piddlin Acres BZ Suede Boots this fall (for a March 2009 kidding). I am so excited! Speaking of goats, we heard back from the autopsy on Chanel: she tested positive for Listeriosis. How horrible!! I feel so bad for the breeder. I pray for her sake that it was an isolated case, as she is such a wonderful woman and does NOT deserve to have this sort of thing happen to her!
Well, I could write more, but I think I will leave you with some pictures from around the farm instead...Adieu!

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