My Love Affair With Hats
Okay, I have a not-so-secret love affair with vintage hats (don't worry, my husband knows). I LOVE vintage hats. Actually, I don't even think that "love" is a strong enough word for it. In any case, suffice it to say that vintage hats are the catnip of my life. It's a crying shame that more woman don't wear hats on a daily basis, and I have decided that I am going to bring the hat back (by example, of course)!!
Hats were an important part of female fashion, up until about the 1960's, when women began focusing more on hairstyles than on hat styles. So you could think of the '60's as the D-Day for Hats. So sad...
I have been collecting and wearing vintage hats for several years now, and I have a respectable number of them at this point. I have discovered that I am mainly drawn towards hats with feathers (possibly the result of being around house cats for far too long) and wide-brimmed straw hats. I have tried to wear all of my vintage hats equally, but I have to admit to playing favorites ever since the purchase of my beloved fedora. The day I bought that hat was the day I discovered true (hat) love...
Recently, Ryan indulged me with the purchase of a lovely little vintage straw hat that I had been drooling over! I can't wait for it to get here! It is, in my opinion, the perfect straw hat. Not as fancy as my wide-brimmed confection from the 1930's, but casual enough to wear gardening, and yet elegant enough to wear out for a day on the town (note: the Fedora would be my evening accessory of choice!)!
Viva la Vintage Hats, Baby!
Oh, You are so adorable in that hat. I had a wonderful hat of my grandmother's, but my sister wanted it so I gave it to her. It was a lovely russet colored cap with russet netting that came down halfway over the face and some little fabric flower at the corner. Elegant.
Oh, that sounds so pretty!!
Ryan just surprised me with the purchase of a lovely little vintage straw hat! I can't wait for it to get here and wear it gardening!
Here's the link to see it:
Lady Beatrice Hat
And here is the page that has a better picture of my beloved feathered fedora!
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