A Day Out
Today was Melanie's wedding, and Ryan and I were very excited to get dressed up and get out of the house! Originally, I was going to wear the lovely dress I just finished sewing (made after the pattern from the 1940's), but it was a warm day and the thick black velvet proved to be far too warm. So I switched to some nice slacks and a pretty sleeveless blouse, accented by one of my lovely hats!
We had to stop at the vet first and pick up round #4 of antibiotics for Jugi beforehand. Ryan and I are so frustrated! Jugi and Adso are like two little kids who keep passing the same head cold back and forth. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the LAST time I need to medicate a kitten for a good long while!
On the way home, Ryan and I stopped by a garage sale on Williams Highway. It appeared as though an antique store exploded in someone's backyard. There were SO many beautiful things, including an absolutely gorgeous blue hat with a bird of paradise feather extending off of it. The problem was that the lady knew what she had, and her prices were very high. This is my pet peeve: if you are going to have a yard sale (especially in a poor rural area such as Southern Oregon), you simply canNOT expect to get upscale store prices. It's a YARD SALE. You need to give deep discounts AND expect haggling. Anywho, she wanted waaaaaaaay too much for the hat, so I sadly put it back on the pile. It was very hard to say goodbye. Sigh.
I still think about that hat...
All in all, we had a wonderful time out! But I have to say, I was quite happy to come home, throw my jeans on, and have some quiet time with my family. I guess I'm a homebody at heart.
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