Friday, December 31, 2010
Something Squirrely...
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Looking Back in Order to Move Forward
I always enjoy looking back on my goals for the past year, and seeing what I accomplished and what I didn't, what was a realistic goal and what wasn't, etc. In examining my 2010 goals, I see that I was definitely unrealistic about quite a few of them! But I have learned my lesson this year, and will try not to be quite so optimistic! On the positive side, I completed a large portion of my gardening-related goals, which is something that I am quite proud of. Here is a recap of my goals for 2010 (written in December 2009). My notes and thoughts on each of these goals follow in red:
Thinking ahead to next year makes me also ponder what goals I have in mind for 2010. I hate making New Years' resolutions, but I DO believe in setting obtainable goals for yourself for the coming year.
**OBTAINABLE goals is clearly still something that I need to work on...though I do prefer to think of it as being overly-optimistic (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, right???!)**
Here is my list:
1. Increase the size of my dairy goat herd (pretty easy, since I have 5 does due in February & March - fingers are crossed for lots of girl babies!!)
**Done. 13 babies, and though we had a few infant mortalities & stillborns (which, even when it is caused by something out of your hands, is still heartbreaking), we kept the 4 best doelings.**
2. Finish building my 4th raised bed in the herb garden
**Done (at the unfortunate expense of my back and wrists)!**
3. Finish landscaping the herb garden
**Also done, with the exception of the little transplants here and there...but I'm calling this goal accomplished!**
4. Plant one or more fig trees over Jugi's grave
**Planted 3, and an heirloom rose bush ("Bizarre Triumph," which I thought was oddly fitting)**
5. Have an amazing summer with the B&B business! Pay off 2 out of 3 large debts associated with moving to Oregon/getting the B&B up off of its feet
**Ok, totally slow summer season this year, but that was a bit out of our hands with the economy and all. Spoke with the folks down at the chamber of commerce, and they said this was the worst summer they'd seen in 30 years. Even so, our summer was certainly not for lack of trying on OUR end. Better luck in 2011 I guess!**
6. Get a cheese press, and have Ryan make hard cheeses for eating in Winter 2010
**Done! And delicious! I'm a total goat cheese Manchego convert now...**
7. Increase yacon crop (possibly 2 separate harvests in May and November: growing my yacon indoors this winter, harvesting it in May, and then setting it out again for another harvest in November)
**I actually managed to do this! And I managed to divide and multiply my number of plants for NEXT spring too! Yay me!**
8. Graft 100 heirloom apple trees (and pray for a 70%+ success rate)
**Yeah...FAR too optimistic on this one. Managed to graft about 25, but the insane hot/cold weather blips we had over the summer proved too much for most of the grafts that took. Of the 13 or so grafts that took, only 3 made it to the end of the summer. Sad day. I'm still determined to graft more apple trees, but I think this year I am going to stick to a goal of 20 or so.**
9. Begin landscaping the "Innkeepers' Backyard." My goal is to have it looking pretty (if not exactly finished) by the summer solstice in June, so that I can have a Solstice/BBQ party in my yard!
**I should have known this was far too large of a goal for a single year...We do have a queue of projects, after all, and this one is pretty far down the line...**
10. Build the outdoor dutch oven in the "Innkeepers' Backyard."
**See above comment**
11. Increase advertising for the B&B
**The slow summer meant we didn't have the extra funds to meet this goal, but I am REALLY hoping it's a goal I can accomplish in 2011!**
12. Increase types of medicinal herbs found in my herb garden
**I think it's safe to say I took this goal and ran with it.**
13. Grow more freaky cacti (from seed!)
14. Help Ryan to convert the larger Apothecary Suite closet into a walk-in library
**Refer to comments about advertising and innkeeper backyard.**
15. Begin converting the Solarium into a real conservatory.
**Let's call and greenhouse a greenhouse and check this off.**
16. Finish building planter boxes for the Secret Garden & plant more grapes, etc. in that area
**Thanks to contributions from kind souls, I didn't have to build anything! The wonderful addition of an old cast iron tub, a lovely little row boat, and an old animal feeder made WONDERFUL planter boxes!**
17. Obtain my nursery license and begin making plant sales
**I have decided that there is enough insanity in my life. Why add to it? Nix this one.**
18. Visit my heart sister, Elaina, and her (*fingers crossed*) baby!!
**Insane work schedule and lack of funds rather shot this one down. Sigh. Next year?**
19. Spend more time with my husband & appreciate the beautiful moments in life
**Totally and wonderfully accomplished! I love you, Ryan!**
**Hell-bleeping-yeah I did!!!!!!!!!**
~~~~~ that we have discussed the goals of 2010, let's move on to my goals for 2011 (and see if I have learned anything about setting obtainable goals for myself!):
Happy New Year, everyone! May your 2011 be one of those "Happy Golden Years."
Thinking ahead to next year makes me also ponder what goals I have in mind for 2010. I hate making New Years' resolutions, but I DO believe in setting obtainable goals for yourself for the coming year.
**OBTAINABLE goals is clearly still something that I need to work on...though I do prefer to think of it as being overly-optimistic (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, right???!)**
Here is my list:
1. Increase the size of my dairy goat herd (pretty easy, since I have 5 does due in February & March - fingers are crossed for lots of girl babies!!)
**Done. 13 babies, and though we had a few infant mortalities & stillborns (which, even when it is caused by something out of your hands, is still heartbreaking), we kept the 4 best doelings.**
2. Finish building my 4th raised bed in the herb garden
**Done (at the unfortunate expense of my back and wrists)!**
3. Finish landscaping the herb garden
**Also done, with the exception of the little transplants here and there...but I'm calling this goal accomplished!**
4. Plant one or more fig trees over Jugi's grave
**Planted 3, and an heirloom rose bush ("Bizarre Triumph," which I thought was oddly fitting)**
5. Have an amazing summer with the B&B business! Pay off 2 out of 3 large debts associated with moving to Oregon/getting the B&B up off of its feet
**Ok, totally slow summer season this year, but that was a bit out of our hands with the economy and all. Spoke with the folks down at the chamber of commerce, and they said this was the worst summer they'd seen in 30 years. Even so, our summer was certainly not for lack of trying on OUR end. Better luck in 2011 I guess!**
6. Get a cheese press, and have Ryan make hard cheeses for eating in Winter 2010
**Done! And delicious! I'm a total goat cheese Manchego convert now...**
7. Increase yacon crop (possibly 2 separate harvests in May and November: growing my yacon indoors this winter, harvesting it in May, and then setting it out again for another harvest in November)
**I actually managed to do this! And I managed to divide and multiply my number of plants for NEXT spring too! Yay me!**
8. Graft 100 heirloom apple trees (and pray for a 70%+ success rate)
**Yeah...FAR too optimistic on this one. Managed to graft about 25, but the insane hot/cold weather blips we had over the summer proved too much for most of the grafts that took. Of the 13 or so grafts that took, only 3 made it to the end of the summer. Sad day. I'm still determined to graft more apple trees, but I think this year I am going to stick to a goal of 20 or so.**
9. Begin landscaping the "Innkeepers' Backyard." My goal is to have it looking pretty (if not exactly finished) by the summer solstice in June, so that I can have a Solstice/BBQ party in my yard!
**I should have known this was far too large of a goal for a single year...We do have a queue of projects, after all, and this one is pretty far down the line...**
10. Build the outdoor dutch oven in the "Innkeepers' Backyard."
**See above comment**
11. Increase advertising for the B&B
**The slow summer meant we didn't have the extra funds to meet this goal, but I am REALLY hoping it's a goal I can accomplish in 2011!**
12. Increase types of medicinal herbs found in my herb garden
**I think it's safe to say I took this goal and ran with it.**
13. Grow more freaky cacti (from seed!)
14. Help Ryan to convert the larger Apothecary Suite closet into a walk-in library
**Refer to comments about advertising and innkeeper backyard.**
15. Begin converting the Solarium into a real conservatory.
**Let's call and greenhouse a greenhouse and check this off.**
16. Finish building planter boxes for the Secret Garden & plant more grapes, etc. in that area
**Thanks to contributions from kind souls, I didn't have to build anything! The wonderful addition of an old cast iron tub, a lovely little row boat, and an old animal feeder made WONDERFUL planter boxes!**
17. Obtain my nursery license and begin making plant sales
**I have decided that there is enough insanity in my life. Why add to it? Nix this one.**
18. Visit my heart sister, Elaina, and her (*fingers crossed*) baby!!
**Insane work schedule and lack of funds rather shot this one down. Sigh. Next year?**
19. Spend more time with my husband & appreciate the beautiful moments in life
**Totally and wonderfully accomplished! I love you, Ryan!**
**Hell-bleeping-yeah I did!!!!!!!!!**
~~~~~ that we have discussed the goals of 2010, let's move on to my goals for 2011 (and see if I have learned anything about setting obtainable goals for myself!):
- Increase advertising for the B&B
- Double or Triple my corn crops
- Double or triple my squash crops (zucchini is NOT included in this!)
- Sell more produce & plants
- Come up with more amazing B&B recipes using even more ingredients from my garden!
- Have a decent heirloom apple harvest
- Plant more peach, apple, and cherry trees around the property
- Increase the size of my two garden plots thanks to the tractor
- Take a longer vacation
- Weave more
- Learn to better separate my business life from my personal life
- Spend more time with my husband
- Take a hike (I miss being able to do that)
- Try to have more of a social life (i.e. get OFF of the farm more)
- Have a successful melon or watermelon crop
- Go fishing with my husband (note I did not say CATCH a fish)
- Spend more time appreciating how blessed I am and being thankful for the little things
- Make it to 100 vintage hats (heehee)
- Wear earrings more often (what? I need some frivolous goals in here for fun! You can't be serious ALLLLLL the time!)
Happy New Year, everyone! May your 2011 be one of those "Happy Golden Years."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I Want To Be A Spoiled House Kitten
I stood over Jugi 2.0 and said, "You know...I've seen squirrels in that same pose..."
Final Vintage Hats of 2010...
Here are my final two vintage hats for 2010:
Monday, December 27, 2010
It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...
2011 has not even arrived yet, and already I've put in my seed order for next year's garden. As I have mentioned previously, I did not actually need to order very many seeds. I did quite well with my seed saving last summer, so we're mostly-set for next year. I have been putting my SSE membership to good use this month, ordering Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge tomato seeds and Papa de Rola pole bean seeds from fellow members. We will be growing many varieties from last year's garden, as well as some "new" heirloom introductions. Here's the unofficial 2011 gardening list (The names in bold red are the ones that are new-to-us for 2011):
- Applegate Valley Heirloom Tomato
- Cherokee Trail of Tears pole bean
- Papa de Rola pole bean
- Dragon's Tongue bush bean
- Early White Vienna Kohlrabi
- Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach
- Arugula
- Beauregard and Purple Sweet Potatoes
- Walla Walla Onions
- Egyptian Walking Onions
- Negresse Potato
- Ajawiri Potato
- Kennebec Potato
- Marina di Chiogga winter squash
- Black Futzu winter squash
- Ping Tung eggplant
- Aji Dulce pepper
- Aji Limon pepper
- Roberto's Cuban Seasoning pepper
- Chapeau du Frade pepper
- Orange Flesh Purple Smudge tomato
- Oaxacan Green Dent Corn
- Anasazi sweet corn
- Violet de Provence artichoke
- Litchi "Tomato"
- Giant Cape Gooseberry
- Ground Cherry
- Prescott Fond Blanc Melon
- Piel de Sapo (aka "Toad Skin") Winter Melon
- Catskill Brussel Sprouts
- Extra Precoce A Grano Violetto Fava Bean
Santa Baby...
Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me
I've been an awful good girl
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, an out-of-space convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you dear
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be oh so good
If you'd check off my Christmas list
Boo doo bee doo
Santa honey, I wanna yacht and really that's
Not a lot
I've been an angel all year
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, there's one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, I'm filling my stocking with a duplex, and checks
Sign your 'X' on the line
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me
Boo doo bee doo
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean a phone
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
One of my favorite Christmas songs! *grin* Not to mention that it was a little bit fitting this Christmas...
Ryan and I were very, very good this year, and Santa was quite generous with us and the kittens.
It's been our tradition, each year of our marriage, to open a single gift on Christmas Eve. This year, I bought Ryan a 1924 edition of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," and we stayed up late on Christmas Eve reading the story out loud to one another. What a perfect way to spend Christmas Eve!
On Christmas morning, we opened presents with Grandma, Grandpa, and the kittens, while drinking hot Good Bean coffee (Yum!) and eating breakfast. Jugi was hysterical: he ran right over to the pile of presents and pulled one of HIS presents off and started running away with it! I just about died laughing! No one can say that our kittens are not intelligent (or wily!).
In honor of the 12 days of Christmas, Jugi received 12 Christmas jingly ball toys! We dropped them on the ground around him all at once, and I think he may have wet himself a little bit. Once he recovered, however, he was in hog -er, kitten - heaven. Adso received catnip-filled fish toys and a rubber ball that lights up when you bounce it. He played with those all day on Christmas. The kittens were quite pleased with their Christmas booty!
Besides the practical gifts of household items (T.P., dishwasher soap, etc.), there were several hand planes & a saw for Ryan, furs for me, as well as socks, vintage hats (those were only for me), chocolates, clothing, and more! Jugi and Adso got Ryan several nice work shirts and ties for the holiday (they have good taste, I must say! My favorite is a long-sleeved tan work shirt with a gorgeous deep red tie). I received a lovely 1940's sapphire-blue velvet dress (which I wore later for Christmas dinner). Grandma and Grandpa received several gifts of coffee for Christmas. Everybody was thankful and very pleased with their gifts.
We spent a few hours chatting together and watching the kittens play, then Ryan and I decided to go get showers and begin cooking the final dishes for Christmas dinner. We cooked an ENORMOUS 28-pound ham (off of our mutant 400-lb. pig) overnight, and besides that I was making some squash & potato side dishes. Christmas Dinner was the 2 pm early bird special for Grandpa, and Ryan and I dressed up in honor of the occasion. As you can see in the above picture, I am wearing my blue velvet dress and "new" vintage hat, and Ryan is wearing one of the shirts and ties that the kittens got him. Everything was delicious!
I've been an awful good girl
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, an out-of-space convertible too, light blue
I'll wait up for you dear
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be oh so good
If you'd check off my Christmas list
Boo doo bee doo
Santa honey, I wanna yacht and really that's
Not a lot
I've been an angel all year
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, there's one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, I'm filling my stocking with a duplex, and checks
Sign your 'X' on the line
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree
With some decorations bought at Tiffany's
I really do believe in you
Let's see if you believe in me
Boo doo bee doo
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring
I don't mean a phone
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Ryan and I were very, very good this year, and Santa was quite generous with us and the kittens.
It's been our tradition, each year of our marriage, to open a single gift on Christmas Eve. This year, I bought Ryan a 1924 edition of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," and we stayed up late on Christmas Eve reading the story out loud to one another. What a perfect way to spend Christmas Eve!
On Christmas morning, we opened presents with Grandma, Grandpa, and the kittens, while drinking hot Good Bean coffee (Yum!) and eating breakfast. Jugi was hysterical: he ran right over to the pile of presents and pulled one of HIS presents off and started running away with it! I just about died laughing! No one can say that our kittens are not intelligent (or wily!).
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Vintage Hats of 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Solstice To All!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Looking Ahead
Stay tuned for more updates as the gardening season approaches!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Vintage Hat #3...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Vintage Hat #2
Hat #3 pictures coming soon...
My Favorite Time Of The Year...
The seed catalogs have begun arriving in the mail, and I am in paroxysms of ecstasy!!! This is my favorite time of the year: pouring over the seed selections, writing down everything I want to try growing this year, calculating the total, pairing down my seed order, recalculating, and dreaming some more...I adore gardening! I think what I love most about this time of the year is that there is SO much possibility. Nothing is set in stone, and I am free to day dream. I can start planning out what I will plant and where, how I will rearrange my garden, etc. Now that we have our handy dandy tractor, I am going to be able (with Ryan's help of course!) to GREATLY expand my two pasture gardens without sacrificing my back and my wrists (which I did last year - and have forever since then suffered chronic pain in those areas). Though I had an absolutely amazing garden last year - and I believe I have every right to be proud and brag about how well it did - I still want to expand. I saved many, many seeds from my garden, but of course there were the usual crops that did poorly (and therefore I couldn't save seeds from), or I decided I wanted to switch out one variety of vegetable for another, etc. This is where winter's seed catalogs come in. I believe the potatoes sense my happiness and optimism - they are already trying to sprout in their containers. *grin*
Friday, December 10, 2010
Vintage Hat #1...
(I was a very, VERY good girl this year!)
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Catching Up
Excuse the poor picture - it was windy and rainy today.
The shiny, fairy-like quality of the outfit reminded me of a similar ensemble I wore for my high school senior pictures. Recognize anyone you know? ;)
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