Here is my "famous" vintage hat: it was apparently featured for a few brief moments in the Woody Allen film, "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion." I begged Ryan to buy me the DVD (since I have never seen the movie), and this weekend we plan to watch the movie with some friends and play an elaborate hat version of "Where's Waldo." I can't wait!

When I saw this hat it was another case of love - or lust? - at first sight. I had never seen a color combination or style quite like it. I believe this is a very unique hat. Now, you may laugh at me and say, "Jillian, you claim love at first sight for ALL of your hats!" My response to you, dear reader, is this: yes, you are correct. I believe that hats are like art - if you don't absolutely love it, and HAVE to have it, you shouldn't buy it. I see a great deal of hats that I "like" out there, but I know that if I bought them, they would sit in my closet and never be worn, and suffer the exact same fate which I was supposedly "saving" them from. However, if I see a hat that makes me experience the same set of emotions as thinking of my husband covered in chocolate, I know that I will wear it often and cherish that chapeau!
Hat #3 pictures coming soon...
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