I told Ryan the other day that I both simultaneously love and loathe my job as an innkeeper (yes, technically, we are both innkeepers, but he works 40 hours a week outside of the home, so when push comes to shove, I'm really a one woman superhuman force). I love sharing our dream with people who appreciate the concept and the hard work that went (and still continues to go) into it. I like adding those tiny little details to the rooms - and the overall inn - that make it a more unique & enjoyable stay than at any other B&B. I adore "playing with food" when constructing breakfast, and concocting eye-catching and delicious creations using ingredients fresh off of the farm. Most of all, I love meeting new people and making new friends. That all being said, there are of course down sides to the profession. You are inviting complete strangers into your own home (since we are only a two bedroom B&B, it IS just our house and not a commercial inn downtown), and sometimes they subtly (or not so subtly) insult the house/room/grounds, and even though you know you can't please everyone, it's still difficult not to be hurt and take what they say to heart. I have long said that the good guests make doing this worthwhile, but the bad guests are what usually stick out most in your mind. The good news is that we always have a far larger proportion of pleasant guests to unpleasant, and the "bad" ones make for great stories you can try and chuckle about (much) later. This year, we have been blessed with an even higher-than-normal number of pleasant folks staying with us. We've made more new friends, and I have felt very blessed indeed.
Recently, a very talented milliner and her husband came to stay with us. I was in hog heaven! Finally, a fellow hat lover to "talk shop" with! We had fun looking over my favorite hats, sharing ideas, and generally gabbing. We ended up trading some items, and I was gifted with the wonderfulness that was 2 beautiful vintage dresses and 1 gorgeous feathery vintage hat! Vintage is pretty much the quickest way to endear yourself to me permanently. One of the dresses is the most beautiful sheer lace flapper dress I have ever seen! So delicate I am almost afraid to wear it, but in amazing condition for something that is about 90 years old! Just a few tears in the lace, and the lining of the hem needs to be reattached in places. I'll need to figure out a slip to wear under it if I ever do wear it out somewhere, but for now I am content to just stare at it adoringly. The other dress was a gorgeous floral print silk(?) with a metal side zipper and a similar style to my late 1930s FOGA dress. Therefore, I would put the dress at between 1935-39 or so. Lovely! A little big on me, but with a belt you can't even tell! And the hat is a wonderful little 1950s black velvet creation with ostrich feathers all around - very fun and cute! A big thank you to Jeanna for her wonderful gifts!