Well, I have decided that it's high time for another vintage sewing project! Yes, I'm rather crazy, since I have decided to do this in the height of summer tourist season, when time and craft space are pretty much non-existent...but when have I EVER been rational when it comes to vintage?! But let me back up and give you my reasoning...
As you've probably already gathered, I have become fascinated recently with the history of the 1920s and 1930s. I have been collecting magazines, articles of clothing, etc., and trying to read up and learn as much as I can! The past few weeks I have been focusing a bit more on the mid-to-late 1920s era.
About a year or so ago, I went to one of my first estate sales and purchased, for the painfully low price of $10, a beautiful and authentic 1920s "flapper era" coat.
Sad Day.
Unfortunately, I do not have the budget to afford an authentic 1920s dress, and I have been unable to find any at the local yard and estate sales. I couldn't even afford to buy any 1920s patterns either, since those normally sell for between $35 and $85 each!...
...Well, until today that is!
Today, I stumbled across an INTACT and UNUSED 1920s "flapper" pattern for the beautifully low price of $7.50+$2.25 shipping! Ummmmm...YES! I snatched that up in a heart beat! It is a lovely dress style, and I am so SO excited to try my hand at making it!

Because it IS the height of tourist season, I am actually going to be enlisting my grandmother's help, both in space to work and sewing expertise. While she can't sew herself like she used to, she is still a knowledgeable seamstress from her years working in a dress factory as well as working with other talented members of our sewing-inclined family. So I think between the two of us, we'll be able to knock this pattern out rather well! And as for buttons? Well, good news: I have a tin box of antique buttons collected by both my grandmother and great-grandmother, so I think I can find some authentic buttons for the dress in there!
Now, what fabric to use...?
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