I haven't been very good about posting/taking pictures of my thrift store scores lately, mainly because there have been so many of them (have I mentioned that I LOVE this time of year?!). Yesterday was another good day, though I still left some fun vintage pieces behind (like an authentic pink & sequined poodle skirt with metal zipper...*sigh*). I have been trying to be better about only buying the ones that I know I will wear and enjoy. Still, it's hard not to bring everything home with me! I just hate seeing it neglected at the thrifty, bound to be covered in fake blood or torn up for someone's Halloween costume. Anywho, where was I? Ah, yes: yesterday, I found the most adorable late 50s/early 60s wedding-y dress. What cracks me up is that also in the costume rack were 2 wedding dresses from the 1960s, and these were marked $29.99 and $35.99. My dress, however, being a beige-colored lace, was apparently not priced as a wedding dress (even though it came with a lace "shawl" that I suspect is actually a full-length veil). It was only $4.99. Teehee!
I also found a lovely beige full slip ($1.99) for wearing under some of my sheer vintage dresses, and a long muslin & crinoline multi-layered 1950's ribonned petticoat ($2.99). Pictures of these three items coming soon...
The other week, I found the most beautiful 1950s cocktail hat made my "Replica de Parisienne." It is a deep sapphire blue velvet with sequin decorations and a veil.

I also found a fabulous pair of off-white 1940's peep toe wedge heels for $1.

The other week, I found the most beautiful 1950s cocktail hat made my "Replica de Parisienne." It is a deep sapphire blue velvet with sequin decorations and a veil.
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