Maybe it's because I feel that a part of my own heritage has been lost, but I feel the obsessive need to come home with old pictures and letters from thrift stores and estate sales. There is just something so sad to me about seeing them lost and unloved. Granted, most likely I will never find out who they were, but I still feel that
someone should take them home and appreciate the piece of history each represents. I went to an estate sale earlier this year where, under a table in a back room, I found a box FULL of old family pictures, letters, etc. I am pretty sure it was a "trash box," as it definitely was not for sale. I wanted to bring it home, but got caught up in my FOGA dress score and forgot to ask about it. I have regretted not bringing that back with me every single day since. Chances are, the contents really
did end up in a trash can, and that just breaks my heart. So I swore "Never again!"
Therefore, when I saw a bag of old photos at yesterday's "Collectibles Sale," I snatched them up without a second thought...
A turn-of-the-century image of a boy in front of a plant stand and desk.

"Flapper Girl" hand-tinted photo of pretty lady. Embossed on the bottom is "The Teasleys Medford Oregon"

"Flapper Woman" 1920s-ish matron with large diamond ring sitting in wicker chair.

Wedding participants consisting of older bride and groom (sitting), along with maid of honor and best man. I'd put this picture about late 1920s to early 1930s.

Same couple, but this one is just of the bride and groom.

Wedding party from 1915.

Close-up of signature on bottom right of picture along with "15" which I assume stands for the year 1915.

This one is of a pretty, young girl. 1930s, maybe?

Turn-of-the-century to early teens wedding portrait. Look how YOUNG the bride and groom are!! Seriously, the groom looks all of sixteen!

The next set of images belong to what I assume are two sisters. They were taken in Cleveland, Ohio. Very fun and unique images! I'd date them anywhere from 1920s-1930s.

There are a few more old photographs in the group that I purchased, but these are my favorites. I just wish I knew who they were...In the mean time, they are getting framed and displayed in my new Craft Room, sort of like having benevolent guardian spirits to help and protect my work.
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