This Saturday, I will be time traveling back into the latter half of Prohibition. There will be Moonshine and Flapper Girls, and I plan to be one of them!
So, here is what Lady H's ensemble will consist of:
Authentic Flapper-Era Dress (courtesy of the lovely Jeanna!)
Modern era (but flapper style) cloche hat
1930s fur coat (a bit too late to be "true flapper" in the normal style that we associate with that, but Prohibition wasn't repealed until 1933, so technically the coat works). Love the big bakelite buttons on this beauty!
My own outfit is a bit less "true," but still awesome!:
My dress has elements of the flapper look, but leans more towards the 1930s. This dress is a perfect example (to me, anyway) of how the two styles are morphing (and will later transform into the 1930s classic look)
My feathered cloche is actually from the 1950s, but a cloche is a cloche and I love wearing this one!
My fur coat is from the 1960s or so, but my authentic flapper era coat (the gorgeous blue one of previous blog posts) won't be quite warm enough for me to wear in this teen's-and-20-degree winter weather!
Ryan will of course be wearing his handsome three-piece suit and fedora.
Guys have it so easy.
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