Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Latest Sewing Projects
Well, we woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground this morning, and it's still snowing hard. Not the insanely heavy snow fall that was originally predicted, but then again, the day isn't over yet either.
Snow days are the best days for staying inside in front of the fire and either reading or working on sewing projects. I am choosing to do the latter today! Here are my two latest sewing projects:
I am making another dress using the same pattern that I created the cool black & white checkerboard dress with! This time, I scored some gorgeous watercolor print fabric and black piping for around the collar and sleeves. It's going to be a very lovely dress when I'm finished...

sewing project,
vintage sewing pattern
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Wild West Weather
Well, the wind is roaring outside, and the temperature is dropping steadily.
I feel a bit sideswiped, as no mention seemed to be made of this terrible storm until late last night. Then, the national weather service issued this warning that was to the effect of, "Oh yeah, by the way, there's going to be like a foot of snow between tonight and tomorrow. So, be, like, forewarned. Sorry about the last minute notice! Good luck!" As I said, totally sudden announcement in my opinion! I have been running around like a madwoman today, trying to get everything on the farm ready for the high winds and heavy snow. We are almost entirely out of usable firewood (what's left is pretty much rotten and termite-ridden), so I had to scrounge and chop what I could in order to have enough firewood to last for at least the next day and a half. I emptied and refilled animal waters, made sure to weigh down any garden/farm items that might blow away, etc. Heavy snows usually mean power outages here, so I've been trying to stock up on water around the house and make sure the animal waters are full before the storm hits. Someday, I want to install a hand-pump well. I don't enjoy relying on the power company for vital things such as WATER!
In other news...
For our once-a-month date this March, Ryan and I scored front row (in the CENTER!) tickets to the Oregon Cabaret Theater's production of "Let's MisBehave." It's set in 1935 (my favorite time period!) with lots of Cole Porter songs - I'm SOOOOOO excited to go! Especially because whichever of my lovely hats makes the cut will be on display in the front row! Yippee! You can also show up early for dinner, and Ryan and I are going to do the full dinner-and-a-play experience. It's SO rare that we ever get to go out, let alone go ALL out on a date, that we wanted to really "live it up" a little!
Construction has begun on the new privacy fence between our property and the winery. I'm so relieved to see that fence go up that I cannot even begin to describe it! We will also be starting work on the Apothecary Suite deck sometime in the next couple of weeks. We have decided against an elaborate fish pond, and instead are just finishing out the empty rectangle, and putting a gazebo-like structure over the hot tub to add privacy and help shade the Apothecary Suite during those hot summer afternoons.
I have just begun germinating my tomatoes and peppers. My kale and artichokes have sprouted, and have been switched out of the germination trays and are awaiting their "adult" plant pots. I love gardening season! I have been making a little extra pocket money selling Jerusalem Artichoke tubers and herb starts to folks lately (I made the mistake of letting my Valerian, Clary Sage, Primrose, and Borage go to seed last summer, and now I have a gazillion starts all over the property that I either need to dig up and sell or destroy).
And now I must bid you adieu, and put some more logs on the fire!
I feel a bit sideswiped, as no mention seemed to be made of this terrible storm until late last night. Then, the national weather service issued this warning that was to the effect of, "Oh yeah, by the way, there's going to be like a foot of snow between tonight and tomorrow. So, be, like, forewarned. Sorry about the last minute notice! Good luck!" As I said, totally sudden announcement in my opinion! I have been running around like a madwoman today, trying to get everything on the farm ready for the high winds and heavy snow. We are almost entirely out of usable firewood (what's left is pretty much rotten and termite-ridden), so I had to scrounge and chop what I could in order to have enough firewood to last for at least the next day and a half. I emptied and refilled animal waters, made sure to weigh down any garden/farm items that might blow away, etc. Heavy snows usually mean power outages here, so I've been trying to stock up on water around the house and make sure the animal waters are full before the storm hits. Someday, I want to install a hand-pump well. I don't enjoy relying on the power company for vital things such as WATER!
In other news...
For our once-a-month date this March, Ryan and I scored front row (in the CENTER!) tickets to the Oregon Cabaret Theater's production of "Let's MisBehave." It's set in 1935 (my favorite time period!) with lots of Cole Porter songs - I'm SOOOOOO excited to go! Especially because whichever of my lovely hats makes the cut will be on display in the front row! Yippee! You can also show up early for dinner, and Ryan and I are going to do the full dinner-and-a-play experience. It's SO rare that we ever get to go out, let alone go ALL out on a date, that we wanted to really "live it up" a little!
Construction has begun on the new privacy fence between our property and the winery. I'm so relieved to see that fence go up that I cannot even begin to describe it! We will also be starting work on the Apothecary Suite deck sometime in the next couple of weeks. We have decided against an elaborate fish pond, and instead are just finishing out the empty rectangle, and putting a gazebo-like structure over the hot tub to add privacy and help shade the Apothecary Suite during those hot summer afternoons.
I have just begun germinating my tomatoes and peppers. My kale and artichokes have sprouted, and have been switched out of the germination trays and are awaiting their "adult" plant pots. I love gardening season! I have been making a little extra pocket money selling Jerusalem Artichoke tubers and herb starts to folks lately (I made the mistake of letting my Valerian, Clary Sage, Primrose, and Borage go to seed last summer, and now I have a gazillion starts all over the property that I either need to dig up and sell or destroy).
And now I must bid you adieu, and put some more logs on the fire!
heirloom seeds,
winter storm
I Broke the Bank...
So...I kind of broke the bank a bit...well, actually I broke my savings account...
And all I have to say is....
It was totally worth it!
So, yesterday, I purchased the most lovely (and perfect for moi!) start-up millinery kit composed of entirely vintage supplies! It was a little expensive (*she says in a guilty but excited tone*), but not when you began to add up everything that was included in the price. Not to mention the fact that I can't resist feathers in volume!
The hat-making "kit" originally belonged to a woman who was a milliner in the 1950s. That aspect really appealed to me - I liked the history as well as the ability to purchase someone's beloved collection (as opposed to a piece-meal set of millinery tools). Anywho, the "kit's" purchase price included two balsa wood hat blocks (23" size - which I realize is an inch larger than my own hat size, but I have been told by several milliners that you always want a hat block slightly larger than your actual head size) with spinners, a metal hat stand, 2+ full rolls of millinery wire in black and white, netting/mesh, a millinery diagram, and LOADS and LOADS of vintage feathers imported from France (some still in their original metal shipping case)! Like I said, I couldn't resist, especially as everything is in really good condition. So, I'll be paying back my savings account for the next 2+ months. Oh well!
Oh, the other thing I bought was a collection of vintage millinery faux bird decorations. My offer was accepted by the seller (they started out asking $85+shipping for the lot, and I got them down to $40). I L-O-V-E the cool double-wing birdie! The $40 was worth it for that one alone! I am attaching the seller's photo of the decorations. I had been trying - very unsuccessfully - to bid on the few cool faux birdie decorations I saw for auction on Ebay. The problem is that not only are these things very rare, but it's a highly collective item so competition is fierce and prices are HIGH! I feel as though I got a really good deal on this lot, and there are some very unique pieces that I am looking forward to incorporating into future hats!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Plant Starts Available for the 2012 Gardening Season
Here is a tentative list of the plants that will be available for the 2012 gardening season. They have either just been germinated, or are currently in germination trays in the greenhouse. Thus, they will not be ready for new homes until April. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and other frost-sensitive veggies need to be placed in the ground (at least here in the Rogue Valley) NO EARLIER THAN MAY 15th (unless you plan to protect them via water teepee!).

- Joya de Oaxaca heirloom tomato
- Chile Negro pepper
- Long Island Improved Brussel Sprout
- Catskill Brussel Sprout
- Red Russian Kale
- Assorted heirloom artichokes (Green Globe, Purple of Romagna, & Violetta de Provence)
- Ground Cherry
- Armenian "Cucumber" (really a snake melon, and WILL cross-pollinate with your other melons - though NOT watermelons - giving them a cucumber flavor)
- Habanero Pepper
- Wax heirloom pepper
- McMahon's Bird Pepper (heirloom)
Plant Starts Available in LIMITED Quantities (Reserve yours early!):
- Carbon heirloom tomato
- Black Krim heirloom tomato
- Chapeau de Frade super-rare heirloom pepper
- Aji Limon pepper
- Ping Tung heirloom eggplant
- Piel de Sapo heirloom winter melon
- Sweet Meat Oregon heirloom winter squash
- Prescott Fond Blanc heirloom melon
- Yacon
I may be adding other plants as the season progresses. Email for details and pricing!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Rain Day Creativity
Rainy Day Creativity at its finest!
Here is what cabin fever, a couple of rainy days spent indoors, leftover freezer paper from turkey slaughter day, vintage lace & metal zippers, and 3 yards of spare fabric will get you! Using one of my favorite vintage dresses (gift from the lovely Jeanna) as a guide, I traced the dress parts using the freezer paper (and of course measuring for seam allowances), and sewed myself a replica of the dress in this fantastically wild checker pattern. I inserted an authentic metal side zipper (using a spare zipper from the huge bag I snatched at a yard sale for $2 a couple of years ago), and decorated the bodice with vintage lace (also scored at a yard sale for pennies). I am wearing my thrift store $2 vintage crinoline underneath that I converted into my size (it was originally a large size with snap side closure) by rolling the waist band and inserting an elastic band.

Not too shabby, eh? :)
Nifty Thrifty
Anywho, here are my favorite hats:
thrift store,
vintage dress,
vintage magazine
Monday, February 20, 2012
Flapper Dress in our Etsy Store!
I'm BACK, Baby!
After a long blogging hiatus, I have returned!
I know that my gardening friends have probably grown tired of my vintage-only winter blog posts, so I have some excellent news: last weekend was the first official gardening event of the 2012 season (hurray!). Thanks to an enormous effort on my husband's part, we got the finished compost moved and tilled into the new back garden - all done in between the rain/snow showers - and the peas and fava beans planted. I also planted some blue vervain and black cumin seeds in the herb garden, as well as dug up/divided/replanted the comfrey and valerian, and dug up the numerous clary sage starts (note to self: never allow this to go to seed AGAIN) and replanted them around the periphery of the garden. We bought some garlic starts at our local grange co-op and planted these in the strawberry bed as well.
Unfortunately, the new garden area is directly adjacent to the chicken pasture. Within hours of planting starts into the garden, the chickens were already digging and eating them! Now, I love free range chicken eggs, but I cannot allow the chickens to destroy my food source! So, for now, I have surrounded my plant starts with circles of fencing. When my peas and favas emerge, I plan to vigorously wing-clip all of the "roamers" in the chicken flock so that they can't fly out. It may sound mean, but wing-clipping does not hurt the birds, and they have a large run with plenty to eat (they get all of the poultry grain they can eat, as well as a large daily bowl of kitchen and garden scraps, along with whatever bugs they can find). If it's a choice between limiting the freedom of 4 chickens (out of a flock of 20) and my garden, sorry, but I choose my garden!
In other news, the kale, leeks, and onions have germinated in the seed trays in the greenhouse. Next, I will be germinating the year's tomatoes! Yippee! This year, I am going to be growing only Joya de Oaxaca and the deliciously dark heirloom, Carbon.
I know that my gardening friends have probably grown tired of my vintage-only winter blog posts, so I have some excellent news: last weekend was the first official gardening event of the 2012 season (hurray!). Thanks to an enormous effort on my husband's part, we got the finished compost moved and tilled into the new back garden - all done in between the rain/snow showers - and the peas and fava beans planted. I also planted some blue vervain and black cumin seeds in the herb garden, as well as dug up/divided/replanted the comfrey and valerian, and dug up the numerous clary sage starts (note to self: never allow this to go to seed AGAIN) and replanted them around the periphery of the garden. We bought some garlic starts at our local grange co-op and planted these in the strawberry bed as well.
Unfortunately, the new garden area is directly adjacent to the chicken pasture. Within hours of planting starts into the garden, the chickens were already digging and eating them! Now, I love free range chicken eggs, but I cannot allow the chickens to destroy my food source! So, for now, I have surrounded my plant starts with circles of fencing. When my peas and favas emerge, I plan to vigorously wing-clip all of the "roamers" in the chicken flock so that they can't fly out. It may sound mean, but wing-clipping does not hurt the birds, and they have a large run with plenty to eat (they get all of the poultry grain they can eat, as well as a large daily bowl of kitchen and garden scraps, along with whatever bugs they can find). If it's a choice between limiting the freedom of 4 chickens (out of a flock of 20) and my garden, sorry, but I choose my garden!
In other news, the kale, leeks, and onions have germinated in the seed trays in the greenhouse. Next, I will be germinating the year's tomatoes! Yippee! This year, I am going to be growing only Joya de Oaxaca and the deliciously dark heirloom, Carbon.
Sunday, February 05, 2012
The Roaring Twenties Revisited!
Here are some better pictures of that FABULOUS flapper dress I purchased yesterday!
Here is the full ensemble!:
Gardening Time!
In Southern Oregon, February is generally the month to plant your peas and fava beans in the ground, as well as some of your more cold-hardy herbs (ex: Blue Vervain, Black Cumin, Chives, etc.).
Now that the rotted out old oak tree has been removed, we are getting our new 53'x53' garden patch tilled and ready for spring planting!
Two Vintage Dresses & A Date!
Ryan and I headed off on an all-day date. We've been overworked, overstressed, and underslept, and we needed to do something to relax. We are also big believers in "dating your spouse" - i.e., just because you're married doesn't mean that the romance ends. So we make sure to do fun things together once a week or so, with "big" dates about 1-2 times a month (as our meager budget allows). This helps keep our relationship fresh and going strong!
Since the Chinese New Year celebration was going on in Jacksonville, I dressed up in my vintage kimono dress (which I realize is Japanese in style, but I figured it would work for today) that I purchased last October at the Goodwill for $4.99. I threw on a pair of tights that Ryan bought me for Christmas from SockDreams - LOVE that store!! - which had a rose pattern that exactly matched the rose embroidered on the dress. I also wore my fantastic James McCreery hat, which didn't exactly match the darker red hues of the dress, but was a fun addition to the outfit anyway!
We also stopped for a deliciously-filling sushi lunch at Bonsai in Medford.
All in all, a FANTASTIC day!
Chinese New Year,
flapper dress,
vintage clothing
Saturday, February 04, 2012
First Decent Thrifting Spree in AGES!
Well, I FINALLY had some success at the local thrift stores yesterday! Found some gorgeous vintage dresses and vintage magazines! Some are already in my Etsy store, and some I will be keeping for personal merriment. The husband and I are heading out again today to check out a new antique store that's opening up, as well as hit the local thrift stores again and see if my luck still holds...
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