My Fairy Hat-Mother sent me a belated holiday package the other week. She (like me) loves to go thrifting, and - because she lives in Seattle - has the ability to partake of the glory of the Goodwill "bins." Anyone who has ever lived in or visited a large city and gone thrifting there will understand what I mean. Large cities have the high population density and "old money" to support fabulous thrifting scores. Now, turn that into an entire warehouse filled with undiscovered gems at below-thrift-store-prices, and there you have "The Bins." I went once with her when we visited in October, and found many a fabulous vintage hat, as well as vintage purses and gloves. In any event, my wonderful friend sent me a gift box filled with 1940s tilt hats, a lovely mink- & sequin-trimmed 1950s cocktail hat (I was super excited about this one, as I had sold a similar hat a couple of years ago and have since come to regret that action), a stack of hat-lust-inspiring vintage wool & velour felts, a lovely "Links-of-Minks" stole, and bow ties and suspenders for Ryan! Talk about a box sure to make a vintage-lover swoon!

I am wearing one of my favorites of the tilt hats she sent, along with another belated-Yule-present-to-myself gift! I have always wanted a vintage spotted fur cape (and coat!). I kept losing out on one on Ebay, as they always went far higher than I could afford to pay. But I finally found a cape on Etsy in my price range, and it is PURRRRFECT! Now I just need a matching coat...

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