January on the Farm: A Photo Tour
We moved Gloria into the angora goat pasture. It's so nice looking out the window every morning and seeing one of our favorite llamas! Gloria and Quanta are becoming good friends...
My many many pots of freshly planted chardonnay grape cuttings (Thank you, Matt!!)
The enormous pile of cuttings from our own grapes that I still need to pot...
Ryan's "Yard Art" - his solution to normal fruit tree staking...is it obvious that the man is married to a geologist??
I'm so proud of him!
View looking west from our property (oak marks the back property line) - you can see Valley View's rows of grapes to the left
The herb garden is slowly taking shape...
We have begun construction on the 4th & final raised bed...there is even a pile of poo already in place...
We have 3 out of 4 fig trees planted over Jugi's grave (which marks the center of the herb garden). I miss my beloved "Foo Bear" so much...
My outdoor nursery flats containing Burning Bush, Juniper, Bayberry, Balloonflower, Compass Plant, Yellow Gentian, and Arrowleaf Balmsamroot seeds, as well as saffron.
Goat babies!!!: Troz, Waffles, and Ollie.
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