Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Poor Broken Body

Today - instead of relaxing like I should have - I decided to fill up the other pear crate we have turned into a container garden. It's 4 feet long by 4 feet wide by 2 feet deep. I have discovered that it takes roughly 8 wheel barrow loads of compost to fill it to within 6" of the brim. That's a lot of poo. I worked hard throughout the morning, trying to beat the rainstorm I could see moving towards me on the horizon. I managed to finish up just as the first drops started hitting! In this latest raised bed I planted roughly 300 Yellow Dock seeds - a plant that many consider a weed but that I (and numerous other herbalists) believe to be a valuable addition to the medicinal landscape. An ugly but useful plant, if you will.

Ryan brought home my next container garden piece: an old cast iron tub, courtesy of Bill & Barb from nearby Cowhorn Vineyard. This we placed in the Secret Garden to the south of the Solarium, where it will be kept in good company by a decommissioned row boat (repainted and titled the "H.M.S. Zilla" after our favorite goat) and several humorous pieces of gnome statuary.

I spent some time updating the "About Us" page of our bed and breakfast website, built a warm fire, and then began working on dinner. I wasn't in the mood to do a complex meal, so instead I threw together a chicken tagine with dates, onions (out of the garden), honey, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, and rice. It's currently cooking in the oven and smells DELICIOUS (I'm so hungry!!!!). There is also a bottle of Troon '04 Reserve Cab on the counter, waiting to accompany our dinner.

As my back is KILLING me, I am taking it easy in front of the fire, and watching our "Goats Gone Wild" barn camera feed on the TV. For those who have been keeping up with our kidding dates, you will know that tomorrow is the first due date for our goats. Not that any of them every give birth according to MY schedule. Darn goats...

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