As you may recall, a few weeks ago I purchased (rescued, really) a lovely little 1940's vintage hat from the "post-Halloween costume sale bin" at an antique store.
It was $4.99 and a smooshed wreck (see above picture), but I could see the beauty hidden within its rumpled green wool felt form...For starters, the netting was completely intact (shocking!), and the original ribbon was in great condition for its age. Not to mention that I loved-Loved-LOOOOVED the emerald green color (it matches my emerald wedding ring)!! Back at home, I put my tea kettle on to boil. Once the kettle was steaming, I held the hat over the steam until it was good and damp. Then, holding it gingerly, I reshaped it as best I could without a hat form, and allowed it to dry (undisturbed) for a few days. It still needs work, but I think I did a pretty decent job! Someday, my husband has promised to make me a wooden hat form for this hat so that I can finish reshaping it. But in any case, it's infinitely more wearable now!
In the mean time, what do you think?

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