Monday, May 16, 2011

The Word of the Day is...EXHAUSTED!

I've been pulling some really long hours in the garden now that the weather is finally beginning to cooperate with me. I've planted the beans and sweet corn in the ground (both starts AND seeds), and have begun transplanting peppers and squash and cucumbers outside too. We've also had a lot of "first of the season" appearances this past week: the first ripe strawberries, the first rose bloom, the first artichokes, etc. All of the heirloom pole beans have germinated, and today I noticed the Dragons Tongue bush beans finally poking their shy heads up out of the soil! Summer is on the way!

Last weekend, Ryan and I spent most of Sunday putting together my pepper isolation cage frames. I had to order my snap clamps online though, so I'm still waiting for those to arrive before I can finish the cages with reemay fabric. Who would have thought that such a simple and supposedly common part would be SO unbelievably difficult to find?!? I don't even want to admit how many hours we wasted trying to find the part locally...ah well. Story of my life.

I'm very much looking forward to summer! We've had a bad year for greens/peas/etc this year (which is SO strange to me), so there hasn't been much fresh produce to eat around the house. We're not big on grocery store shopping (mainly due to the fact that town is a long drive away, grocery shopping is EXPENSIVE anymore, and most of the produce they have is terribly bland), so if we can't eat out of our garden then we tend not to eat produce...I swear, if I see one more carb I may SCREAM! I am eagerly awaiting those lusciously ripe tomatoes, cold zucchini soup, hot tamale pie with fresh vegetables and homegrown & ground cornmeal! Not to mention squash soup, raspberries, peppers, etc.! Is it mid-summer yet??

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