Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm Showing You the Bird!

The Bird HAT, that is! ;)

My hat style definitely trends toward the post-Audubon regulations; meaning that I love hats decorated with "fake" birds composed of common feathers over styrofoam. You get the funky effect without the (once live) parakeet.

It's getting harder and harder to find even these "fake" birdie hats. Vintage hats have become very popular collector's items over the years, so prices are high and unique hats rare. That being said, I still persevere! I have been blessed lately to have come across several rare, affordable bird hats. I have recently added two more into my collection:

A simple but elegant hat made by Isabel Pickreel. You can view the lovely hat HERE.

I also won another bet with the Devil (or, more appropriately, Ebay), for another bird hat. You can view this 2nd hat HERE.

Vintage hats are flying through my mail box like Christmas fruit cakes! YAY!

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